Linux – Input/output (read) errors in Bacula while setting up a Tape Drive + Autochanger


When running the label barcode command in bacula I am getting Input/output errors. I am just getting started in trying to set this up:

Connecting to Storage daemon TapeDevice at ...
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ332" Slot 1 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 8, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ332" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ332", Slot 1  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ331" Slot 2 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ331" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ331", Slot 2  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ328" Slot 3 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ328" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ328", Slot 3  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ329" Slot 4 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 3, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 4, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 4, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ329" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ329", Slot 4  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ335" Slot 5 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 4, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ335" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ335", Slot 5  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ334" Slot 6 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 5, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ334" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ334", Slot 6  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ333" Slot 7 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 6, drive 0" command.
3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 7, drive 0" command.
3305 Autochanger "load slot 7, drive 0", status is OK.
block.c:1010 Read error on fd=5 at file:blk 0:0 on device "ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0). ERR=Input/output error.
3000 OK label. VolBytes=64512 DVD=0 Volume="ACJ333" Device="ULTRIUM-HH4" (/dev/st0)
Catalog record for Volume "ACJ333", Slot 7  successfully created.
Sending label command for Volume "ACJ330" Slot 8 ...
3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 7, drive 0" command.


    # Definition of file storage device
    Storage {
      Name = TapeDevice
    # Do not use "localhost" here    
      Address = ny-back01....     # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
      SDPort = 9103
      Password = "..."
      Device = ULTRIUM-HH4
      Media Type = LTO-4
      Media Type = File
      Autochanger = Yes


Autochanger {
        Name = StorageLoader1U
        Device = ULTRIUM-HH4
        Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
        Changer Device = /dev/sg5

Device {
        Name = ULTRIUM-HH4
        Media Type = LTO-4
        Archive Device = /dev/st0
        AutomaticMount = yes;
        AlwaysOpen = yes;
        RemovableMedia = yes;
        RandomAccess = no;
        AutoChanger = yes;
        RandomAccess = no;

Anyone knows what this means / why I am getting this?

Best Answer

Okay, so because of the following config error:

  Media Type = LTO-4
  Media Type = File

I confused bacula it seems. The media was listed from the list media command as type File. So what I did was drop the pool and then try to rescan with label barcode. However, it was refused because the tapes already had the bacula volume lablel on them. To fix this I made this little loop:

for i in $(seq 1 8); do 
    /etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg5 load $i /dev/st0 0
    mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
    mt -f /dev/st0 weof
    /etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg5 unload $i /dev/st0 0

I was then able to run the label barcode again this time without the original error or the "3920 Cannot label Volume because it is already labeled" error.