Linux – Install Node 0.12.x binaries on Centos 7


As of this post, there don't appear to be any yum or rpm options for available for installing NodeJS 0.12.x. Even Node's semi-official yum repo ( is still on 0.10.x for RHEL distros.

So two alternatives, build from source or download the binary distribution. First I'm going to try the binaries:

After untarring, what do I do with it? I know there are node and npm executables. Is there anything else I need to know about? Where do I move everything and what needs to be symlinked? Where is the proper place for these files to live on the server?

Best Answer

The answer is in that tarball's file:

cd /usr/local && tar --strip-components 1 -xzf \

This basically extracts the contents to /usr/local. I would further expand that by adding the arguments --exclude=ChangeLog --exclude=LICENSE to the tar command to prevent the documentation from being written to /usr/local.