Linux – Install ssconvert (part of gnumeric) on a server without GNOME

conversioncsvlinuxmicrosoft excel

I need to use gnumeric's file conversion tool ssconvert on a server.

The problem is that gnumeric is a gnome application and can't be installed without a desktop installed.

There is also no separate packages for ssconvert, and I can not compile it from source code…

I need this specific conversion tool cause it can covert from Excel XML format to CSV, which I was unable to do with other excel conversion tools.

I am working on a ubuntu 12.04 server. I would appreciate any ideas.

Best Answer

I think many of the dependencies for gnumeric are actually "recommended" packages, not real dependencies. Try this:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnumeric

For me, this installed about 37MB of packages, most of which were libraries and icon themes, which I felt was tolerable.