Linux – Install Tomcat on Linux server


I am trying to install Tomcat on my linux server .Once I had installed glassfish and already working with it . I successfully installed tomcat7 to my server but when I request the machine url : 8081 (I edited the port number becouse of multiple tomcat and glassfish) default tomcat page not working and therefore I see inside of catalina.out file a content /usr/lib/server/apache-tomcat-7.0.27/bin/ line 389: /usr/local/jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory

I m not good at this setup enviroment part.But As I understood it says i m looking for java on this path "/usr/local/jdk/bin/java" and cant find java .After that when I check my tomcat path with which-java it returns /usr/bin/java/ but this java is a link file type whatever not the java I looked for or i can use .

Here is link [java.file]
Now I want to learn what is the solution for this solution if I change java directory can it effect glassfish ?if yes how I can edit java path info for tomcat and glassfish ?
Lastly all the tutorials writers says set java home /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_07/bin/java but I have no path like this i can create it but is it true ?

Thanks for all advice , critic and help.

Best Answer

I recently followed this blog's instructions, that I found very helpful, especially regarding all those env vars :

(it starts with the installation of the JDK, don't hesitate to reinstall it).