Linux – Installing git with no idea about machine configuration


I have a user account on a Linux server (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, according to this). It apparently has no package managers in the $PATH (yum, apt-get, pkg, pkg-add, emerge, pacman), and it does not have cc. (edit by the way, this is a shared hosting server. so the tech support people were just following scripts when I tried to ask them for advice. they also wanted to upsell me to their VPS package, which I don't need or want)

I would like to install git into ~/bin. It's not necessary that I do so, but it sure would make my life a lot easier. However, all of the instructions I've found online with respect to installing git have to do with either:

  1. using a package manager (which I don't seem to have access to)
  2. installing from source (which I can't, because I don't have cc)

Linux is not my native OS, so I'm kind of at a loss as to how to proceed. What do I need to do? Is there a place where I can download pre-compiled binaries and see if any of them work?

Best Answer

I'm that guy :-)

Here is small howto and info what we did.

First we tried executing git binary from the latest Ubuntu server which returned glibc error that Dave copied above.

Then with the help of command ldd --version we found which glibc is installed on the server and what distribution is it.

Here is the list of glibc versions and Linux distributions that have them

So Glibc 2.5 gave us a clue that RHEL 5 is used on the server, so next step was to find propper git.rpm file, google gave us repo and to unpack it without installation as we don't have privileges for that.

As a result we got git bin which worked directly so after settng path everything was fixed.

Glad that I could help :-)