Linux – Installing Oracle 11g for 64bit on Ubuntu 10.04 server 64bit


I want to install Oracle 11g for 64bit on a Ubuntu 10.04 64bit server.Does anybody knows how to install the Oracle 11g on Ubuntu from the scratch(pre-installation to post-installation)?

Best Answer

Is this for development or personal use or for production? I'd review the release notes for Oracle to see if Ubuntu is supported, but further, I'd ask yourself why you want Oracle on Ubuntu. Nothing against Ubuntu but Oracle is a finicky beast an it is best not to stray too far from the supported platforms especially if this is a production setup. You may be better off biting the bullet and installing on RHEL or CentOS (not Fedora Core) because RHEL is supported and CentOS is known to work, being derived from RHEL sources. Again, while Ubuntu LTS may work nicely for 90% of your infrastructure, Oracle is very demanding - deviate from supported configurations at your peril.

Oracle's dependency checks are not for show. People run Oracle for two reasons - either they need the reliability and features of Oracle, or they're running it because someone else told them to (vendor, administrator, client, etc.) If you don't need it, don't use it because it's a severe pain for a neophyte to manage. If you do need it, you obviously have deep pockets - don't waste your time trying to get Oracle running on a desktop OS. Pay for RHEL or if you know what you're doing or don't care, use CentOS because it's as close a production OS for Oracle as you'll get without buying RHEL. I like Ubuntu too, but it's the wrong platform in this case.