Linux – Installing PHP with an external PCRE library



I keep getting a warning when I use some php regex functions that says "this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support." I have been digging pretty deep and think that all I need to do is install PCRE from source while the option –enable-utf8 when configuring PCRE. No problem. But then I need to tell PHP to find this new PCRE library. I think I have to install PHP from source and specify an external PCRE library as stated here:

I think specifying the external PCRE library will involve just adding an option when when i do ./configure

If there is a way to do this while using aptitude? I need to set options when aptitude does the ./configure.


Best Answer

This seems slightly unusual as I would assume php would come with a Unicode version of the library. What distribution / version of PHP are you using?

You can always get the source package for php (apt-get source php5) and the build dependencies (apt build-dep php5) and then just configure and install as you've mentioned above.