Linux – interface id for ethernet card


My PC (CentOS)has one ethernet card 1, linked to the internal company network for internet surfing etc., and another ethernet card 2, linked with an embedded device for programming.

Each time, when I restart PC, I have ethernet card 1 active and ready (listed as "Eth0" by ifconfig command), and ethernet card 2 inactive (listed as "__tmp1835522531" by ifconfig command), waiting for configuration with some local ip address.

my question is:
why it is listed as "__tmp1835522531"? Is it possible to make it listed as "Eth1", when PC restarts? How to do that?

Best Answer

try looking in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and match the mac address for the _tmp interface to an entry there (or make an entry if needed), then reboot.