Linux – IPv6 very slow while IPv4 not on same server


I have a development and a production server, both running CentOS, on the same network with similar configurations. On one (the production server), when I do a curl, it attempts IPv6 first, but that times out after around 45 seconds and falls back to IPv4, which works fine. Ping6 also times out and never receives any packets back, but regular ping (which I think goes over IPv4) works fine. On the development server, ping6 and curl both work fine, and both use IPv6. Can anyone suggest how I might go about trying to figure out what's wrong? I'm not really a sysadmin, but I have to diagnose and fix the problem myself.

Best Answer

Keyword here is "Similar configurations". As opposed to "identical configurations".

I'm not trying to dumb this down, but you just need to start poking through each system's configuration files and find where they differ. Start with networking config which, on RHEL derivatives, is stored in /etc/sysconfig/network if I recall. DNS name resolution is another place to check: /etc/resolv.conf