Linux – Is ext4 ready for a production usage


What do you think about ext4 filesystem in the production enviroment ? We are very close to launching our project that will use tens of millions quite often updated not very big files and we need to decide which FS to use.

For a while our considerations about other linux FS are:

  • Ext3 is rock stable, but not very well suited for handling millions small files
  • XFS looks very nice, probably we'll use it
  • ReiserFS … well…vague future, who will end up fixing bugs ?

Best Answer

If you're at all unsure (and it sounds like you are), stick with the older stuff you know.

That doesn't just apply to filesystems, either. Production equals solid. If you have to ask if something is ready for production, you're not ready to use it for production, and that's what matters.

Make a lab and test it while you deploy ext3 in your production environment.