Linux – Is it possible to include subject lines in the default sendmail maillog


CentOS 5.8

I'd like to be able to track an email based on Subject line. The default log of 9 in SendMail doesn't appear to include that information.

My questions are:

  • What is the minimum sendmail log level that includes this information?
  • Is there a way to add the subject-line to log events at the default log level?

Best Answer

I found this on the net when looking up the same thing. I didnt come up with this, but it'll get your CentOS5 box logging subjects in /var/log/maillog.

I added this to the end of my

Klog syslog
HSubject: $>+CheckSubject

R$*     $: $(log Subject: $1 $) $1

*****after R$* in the last line that MUST be a tab******

Run m4 and generate a new cf file and restart:

m4 > /etc/init.d/sendmail restart

My logs now show this:

Dec  5 19:09:42 site sendmail[23327]: qB609gWD023327: from=apache, size=1728, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<>, relay=apache@localhost 
Dec  5 19:09:42 site sendmail[23328]: qB609gK9023328: Subject: Test1234  
Dec  5 19:09:42 site sendmail[23328]: qB609gK9023328: from=<>, size=1953, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, []

I wish it didnt log the subject on a seperate line, but it does allow you to track emails by subject.