Linux: Is it possible to know which options an installation was configured and compiled with


I need to implement some web checks in our Zabbix system which requires Zabbix to be compiled with the libcurl (curl) option, but I don't know how to check if it was compiled with this option or not, Is there any command or file which will assist me in finding the answer?

Best Answer

You need to use ldd(1) to print shared library dependencies. If the zabbix-agent was compiled with curl suppport, it was linked dynamically against the libcurl library in compilation time.

I don't have a zabbix installation handy right now, but the procedure is simple:

# ldd $(which curl) =>  (0x00007fff4572b000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f07a4189000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f07a3f7a000)

You should see libcurl in the output. Just replace curl with zabbix-agent.