Linux – Issue with RHEL7 and disabling NetworkManager


Okay community, let's see if we can figure this one out, cause I'm out of answers.

Where I work I am setting up a bunch of RedHat Enterprise Linux servers. There is a collection of RHEL6 and RHEL7 servers.

On the RHEL6 servers, I am using the standard network configuration tool by configuring it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and a dhclient configuration file in /etc/dhclient-eth0.conf. Everything works properly, I am assigned the custom FQDN by our DNS servers (e.g. and when the DHCP lease is up, it is renewed automatically.

Here is the issue:

In RHEL7, NetworkManager is enabled by default. On our Kickstart, I have removed NetworkManager and went back to configuring network and dhcp the way it is done in RHEL6. All of the configuration is the same (sans using /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 instead of eth0) and works fine for the first DHCP lease.

Once the lease is up, it seemingly doesn't renew it until I issue a systemctl restart network command.

I have looked and looked and I am coming up short. There must be something different in RHEL7 or something not configured when you disable NetworkManager, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.

Anyone have any thoughts?

As I know these usually help, I'll post my RHEL7 configuration files, and the snippet from the logs where it loses the DHCP lease.


# Generated by dracut initrd


send host-name "hostname";
send fqdn.fqdn "";
send fqdn.server-update off;


Jun 27 23:06:09 sa-kbwiki01 avahi-daemon[591]: Withdrawing address record for on ens192.
Jun 27 23:06:09 sa-kbwiki01 avahi-daemon[591]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface ens192.IPv4 with address
Jun 27 23:06:09 sa-kbwiki01 avahi-daemon[591]: Interface ens192.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.

Best Answer

I ended up figuring out the issue.

There is a flag you can set in your kickstart file, biosdevname=0, which is supposedly supposed to revert RHEL7 into using the old ethernet naming standard, e.g. eth0

It didn't do that, seemed to have no effect. I thought I had removed it, but I guess not.

It must have told the installer to setup things incorrectly. When I removed that from the kickstart, and built the machine again, I no longer had the issue of dhclient dying.

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