Linux – Java, VisualVM : Setting up VisualVM properly for Java8 based webapps


I have a Java based webapp which I have deployed on one of our server. Sometimes the JVM died because of out-of-memory error. The application is kinda heavy as it uses Cometd(Push mechanism) heavily and some columns are encrypted. For this, I decided to monitor the application, but for some reason, VisualVM wont show sampling and CPU usage. It says that the JVM is not supported.

The 2nd problem I am having is that the update time of VisualVM is too slow. I want to decrease the intervals between which it monitors, but no luck finding that option as well.

I am running Debian Wheezy, 64 bit and Java8-64bit. The application-container is Apache tomcat and DB is Postgres. Jstatd is already started. I am new to profiling and monitoring, any help would be nice.

Here are the screenshots. Kindly have a look.

Thank you.


Here is the updated screenshot of how it looks without the config mentioned below:


And my has some server config like :

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -server -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy"

Here is after the above configuration with the new GC :

Updated screenshot after new GC

Best Answer

Adding this to target JVM application works for me:

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