Linux – Job submitted to Torque does not generate error/log file


As stated, I have just installed Torque on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine. The submitted jobs complete just fine but the -e and -o flags seem to not be working. No error and log files are created even though I have

  • given the flag an absolute path to the log directory.

  • creating the log file in the directory before submitting the job.

I am certain that the PBS file works because I copied it from a machine which ran the job just fine.

The following is the PBS file mentioned. An apology in advance for my inability to indent the code blocks.

#! /bin/bash
#PBS -e /path/to/error.err
#PBS -o /path/to/log.log
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00

cd /path/to/working/directory
execute function.binary

mkdir /backup/folder
cp -r /results/ /backup/folder

echo "Job complete." >> /path/to/log.log

edit: Thanks to /u/tux_DEV_NULL, I managed to solve it. I added the lines $no_spool_dir_list /home/ and $spool_as_final_name true to /var/spool/torque/mom_priv/config and everything worked as expected.

Best Answer

Anything in the torque server log files?

This looks like an issue with your spool setup. Do you see a undelivered directory in /var/spool/torque/spool? Do you have a mom node/service running?

I think by default stdout and stderr files are generated in placed in the spool directory as $JOBID.OU and $JOBID.ER then copied to the working directory. Unless you have the $nospool_dir_list setup so check that setting as well.

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