Linux – Just trying to set up a puppet client and server in CentOS VMs from scratch – basic setup problems


I have a set of two VM's which I am trying to use puppet on.
It's about a simple setup as you can get, I am trying to setup a server and setup a client and simply get to writing some puppet policy.

I am using a fresh install of CentOS on the client and the server.
I am using the EPEL repos.
I tried following the following guide:
I have also referenced the puppet documentation

I set the hostname to puppet.apt15 in /etc/sysconfig/
I set the ips for both client and server (in both the client and server) /etc/hosts             puppet             puppet-db               localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

I have tried several combinations including the apt15 and not including it. I have reinstalled everything from scratch on both twice.
This is the error I get:

[root@puppet-db ~]# puppetd --test
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
info: Caching certificate for puppet-db.apt15
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

I have installed ntpd, and run ntpdate on on both machines. This was however after the installs and attempts to connect. But I cleared the /var/lib/puppet.ssl folders several times on the client and server and ran puppet-ca --clean :all on the server. I have also tried the process with setenforce 0 (SELinux off) and the firewall off

I am at my wits end. Can I turn SSL authentication off so I can just work with writing policy?

I fear something is wrong with my DNS\hostname settings and this is just a basic setup. I don't care about security right now, I just want something I can start working with so I can learn it. I don't have any official domains i.e. which a lot of other guides seem to assume.

Best Answer

I got it, I did everything from scratch again, but made sure before even beginning the tutorial in the article I did the following on the server and client:

/etc/hosts             puppet-db.apt15 puppet-db             puppetmaster.apt15 puppetmaster puppet               localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

/etc/sysconfig/network Set hostname to [server name].apt15

yum install ntp
shutdown -r now (then login)
setenforce 0

Then start tutorial I also had to use puppetd --server --waitforcert 60 --test from the documentation instead of the lines in the guide to get the certificate signed and accepted.

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