Linux Kernel Log – Understanding ‘TCP: Treason Uncloaked!’ Message


On one linux server (Gentoo hardened), we are experiencing bursts of the following messages in dmesg from time to time:

TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 4094157295:4094160199. Repaired.

Is there anything we should take care of or is this normal?

Update: Maybe related, we are using net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = cubic. Kernel version is 2.6.28 with Gentoo hardening patches.

Update: This could probably really be related to hardware/driver issues, as we are seeing a "hickup" on the switches sometimes: The port goes down and comes up again. Only lately we discovered the following dmesg output related to these port hickups:

[5781269.910133] e1000: eth0: e1000_clean_tx_irq: Detected Tx Unit Hang
[5781269.910136]   Tx Queue             <0>
[5781269.910137]   TDH                  <e0>
[5781269.910139]   TDT                  <76>
[5781269.910140]   next_to_use          <76>
[5781269.910141]   next_to_clean        <da>
[5781269.910143] buffer_info[next_to_clean]
[5781269.910144]   time_stamp           <22750e54>
[5781269.910146]   next_to_watch        <e2>
[5781269.910147]   jiffies              <22750f5f>
[5781269.910148]   next_to_watch.status <0>

Usually after these logged lines there also follow some "Treason uncloaked" lines (but not vice versa, means these are not always logged before "Treason uncloaked").

Best Answer

You can get this message when people decide to "optimize" TCP parmameters on remote systems, but it could be a syn flood attack as well.

There were a few known Kernel bugs that caused this message to be appear in error. I believe they were fixed in the 2.6.26 kernel.