Linux – Resolving Sluggish Host Performance with KVM on RHEL 6.1


I have been running RHEL 5.7 on a host just fine with several VMs (KVM). No major issues. Time came to upgrade to RHEL 6.1 as a few bugs had been fixed in this release.

When I start a VM or two under RHEL 6.1, the system becomes really sluggish. Even through SSH, keystrokes appear with delay. System resources appear OK, except dstat reports "missed X ticks" (number varies from 1 < 20). I am using virtio on all the guests.

The server has decent hardware (IBM x3850 with 128G RAM).

Is anyone running RHEL 6.1 with KVM successfully?

I've tried it on 2x servers so far and got the same result!

Best Answer

Maybe this is somehow about ACPI/APIC or kernel clock? I bet kernel in RHEL 6.1 has gained dynamic ticks (or, "tickless kernel") compared to one in RHEL 5.7.

If you run iostat -x 1 at your host, does it report huge number of interrupts during the lag? Interrupt storms, even if rare nowadays, can cause those stalls. Then it might be about ACPI or APIC and disabling those by appending noapic and/or acpi=off parameters to GRUB kernel line in boot menu might help.

If this is about dynamic ticks, passing nohz=off as boot parameter in GRUB might help.

If this is about something else, well, let's hope RHEL engineers can help you. :)