Linux – likewise-open and samba as pdc


We have successfully implemented a Samba Primary Domain Controller for a hybrid Windows-Linux environment. So now I am setting up dual-boot clients with Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10.

Windows XP can be easily added to the Samba Domain. Everything is manageable. No worries.
But when I try using likewise-open 4.1 to add the Ubuntu 9.10 to the samba domain, it cannot locate the domain controller.

domainjoin-cli --loglevel verbose join MYDOMAIN root

Error: Unable to resolve DC name [code

Resolving 'MYDOMAIN' failed. Check
that the domain name is correctly
entered. Also check that your DNS
server is reachable, and that your
system is configured to use DNS in

I even tried variations but to no avail. What am I missing ?

I read up a document on MSDN wherein it says that the Domain Controller creates some SRV records in the DNS server. I guess, I don't have them on my BIND. Do you think that is the problem ? If yes, can anyone please point out how and what SRV records need to be added.


Best Answer

If you have Samba as a PDC, you don't need likewise. Just install samba and follow the instructions to join the samba domain at

Likewise assumes an Active Directory Domain Controller. If you want a Samba to have those functionalities, you need to go for Samba4 (not yet recommended for production). The errors you're getting is because you don't have DNS and Kerberos configured has expected in a domain controller (for example, try resolving _tcp.<DOMAIN>).

Best of luck,
João Miguel Neves