Linux – Load Analysis GUI tools for Linux – individual process and overall


I need to do some load analysis on a Linux server and would like a nice GUI to help me. I don't need any fancy history, logging, or alerting. I need more information than top, and would like it wrapped in one utility or package that is not difficul tto set up. Something like Process Explorer on Windows:


  • Viewable for Global, individual Processes, and individual Threads

  • CPU

    • Usage
    • Kernel Time, User Time
    • Context Switch Delta
    • Interrupt Delta
    • DPC Delta
    • Handles
    • Threads
    • Processes
  • Memory

    • Virtual Memory
    • Working Set
    • Private
    • Page Faults
  • I/O

    • Separate for Network / Disk
    • Total/Delta Read/Write
    • Open sockets, file handles

Best Answer

I'd recommend Observium if you want a pretty web-based display of system information. It covers most of the attributes you wish to track and works well in single-server installs as well as multiple system deployments. Take 20 minutes to set it up and give it a try. There's also a live demo available.

enter image description here

If you need realtime data in a text user interface, look at collectl.


Today, I recommend Netdata.