Linux – Log files not being written (Passenger)


Locally, my app runs fine on and writes to it's logs.

My production server is running CentOS with an Apache server running Passenger. When trying to debug, I noticed my log files were not being written to. First thing I did was chmod 0666 them, and when I found out that didn't work I looked at my apache log. I found this:

Rails Error: Unable to access log
file. Please ensure that
exists and is chmod 0666. The log
level has been raised to WARN and the
output directed to STDERR until the
problem is fixed.

(Note: I am deploying with capistrano)

Anyway, I googled around and found people saying it's an SELinux issue, so I looked on passenger's doc's and found this:

which basically says do this: chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t /path/to/your/rails/app

However, when I fill in the proper path I get: Operation not supported.

Pretty stumped…any ideas?

Best Answer

Check out using top which user the passenger processes are run as. IIRC it won't necessarily be the www-data/apache user.

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