Linux – lsof getting ran by root, but not by a user and using high CPU usage


My server is using high CPU usage from lsof, and it appears to be ran randomly and by the root user. I'm finding this out via Newrelic information

Is it at all possible to find what is running this and stopping it?

Extra info:
Some of the major apps I'm using and have installed:

  • New Relic
  • PHP
  • Apache2.2
  • Prosody
  • Postfix
  • MySQL

When I perform a ps -feww | grep lsof it always just returns the grep command itself, it never seems to be running when I'm looking at it.

Best Answer

If you use auditd, you can then create a rule such as

auditctl -a exit,always -F path=/usr/sbin/lsof

Then see the /var/log/audit.log or use aureport and ausearch utilities.