Linux Email Server – Allow Sending Unencrypted Mails with Postfix on SMTP Port 25


How can I allow to send unencrypted mails using SMTP port 25 with (plain text) password authentification – without SSL/TLS? I need to enable this, because I have some old IP cameras that are not able to use an encryption to send emails…

I already commented out "smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes" in the postfix file at /opt/mailcow/data/conf/postfix/, but now I get the error message "Relay access denied" when I try to send an email to an external domain's address. At least I can send emails to myself (on my mailserver) now using port 25 without encryption, but I need to send emails to external addresses.

Best Answer

At least I can send emails to myself (on my mailserver) now using port 25 without encryption, but I need to send emails to external addresses.

You can send messages to email address "on your mailserver" and make procmail script forward the messages after inspection to external email address e.g. the script may verify sending IP address.

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