Linux – Mapping AD Domain users to Linux Users Issue


I have setup a RHEL5 server that is running samba & winbind. I am also using the 'username map' feature to map all my Linux user accounts to their AD user accounts. The Windows users can map to the Samba share and everything works as it should.

The only issue I am having is when the Windows users are coping files to the share the files are set with the AD User account of 'DOMAIN+user' instead of the Linux user 'user group'.

Does anyone know of a way that when the Windows users add files to the share that the permissions with be for their Linux account and not their AD user account? Is this even possible?

Best Answer

I don't know how to do it the way that you're configuring it, but I know that Likewise Open did all of this for me. It makes it extremely easy to add domain users into local groups, and UID/GIDs are a hash, so they're identical across all of my authenticated machines. I can't tell you how amazing it was to finally have it just work.