Linux – Migrating from iptables to firewalld : commenting rules


I'm migrating from iptables to firewalld, using Centos 7.
In the old times, I used to write the (permament) iptables rules in the /etc/sysconfig/iptables , which also served to place comments prepended by # (to remind us why we restricted this or that ip, etc).

Now, it seems that the current (permanent) configuration is read from /etc/firewalld/ files (especially /etc/firewalld/zones/*.xml). I guess I could add xml comments there, but it seems the good practice is not to edit those files directly but via firewall-cmd (no?).

Hence, I'm not sure which is the standard or recommended way to add comments to the rules.

Any suggestions?

Edited: For the record, I've verified that xml comments do not survive firewall-cmd modifications.

Best Answer

Although in the firewall-cmd man page, there is a section on Direct Options, that allow you to give parameters, so you could do something like:

firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule <table> <chain> <priority> <args> -c <some comment>

Although, as Michael Hampton said, probably not the best thing.

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