Linux – Monitor Disk via SNMP polling


I'm using SNMP (polling not traps) to monitor a Snap Server with MIB-II (RFC 1213). Since there is no specialized MIB for this device I am stuck via standard MIB-II. My main goal is to poll the disks and make sure they are not disconnected and mounted. I'm really just looking for best practice here since I'm not much of a Linux admin.

The snap server has a RAID 1.

My plan is to monitor /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc ect. Starting at OID: . and up. Right now the string just returns /dev/sda/ which I told my software is the proper string to return. If disk 0 goes down I assume it will no longer return /dev/sda for . at least this is what I'm hoping.

Can anyone confirm my suspicion on this one? I don't really have an easy way of testing this one without physically building a PC and unplugging a drive as the linux boxes I have access to are in production.

Best Answer

You should check the Host Resources MIB. The OID you are mentioning is the hrDeviceDescr field. If you look further in that MIB, you can see the hrDeviceStatus, which is an integer defined as follows:

The current operational state of the device described by this row of the table. A value unknown(1) indicates that the current state of the device is unknown. running(2) indicates that the device is up and running and that no unusual error conditions are known. The warning(3) state indicates that agent has been informed of an unusual error condition by the operational software (e.g., a disk device driver) but that the device is still 'operational'. An example would be a high number of soft errors on a disk. A value of testing(4), indicates that the device is not available for use because it is in the testing state. The state of down(5) is used only when the agent has been informed that the device is not available for any use.

Thus, you should probably better monitor the following OID: .