Linux – mounting webdav as user (no sudo)


With FUSE it is possible to mount many things purely as a non privileged user. However, it seems that for webdav davfs2 is the preferred project, which appears to be a filesystem driver and uses the standard mount/umount which requires privileges.

Is there a way to use this (or another library) to mount webdav only as a user via fuse ? (i.e. so each user could mount a different webdav on a different server, without needing to configure anything in fstab etc).

Best Answer

I was able to use wdfs to make it work as a non priv. user:

 wdfs <dav url> <mount point>

To unmount

fusermount -u <mount point>

wdfs is from here and uses fuse. I use Archlinux and this AUR package worked fine.

But current state of wdfs is unclear, there is a kind-of-fork lurking at gihub as well.