Linux Processes – Managing Multiple Almost Identical Processes on a Linux Server


What is the best way to run multiple Almost Identical Java processes on the same Linux server?

Explanation of the environment:

We are running a set of Java processes that provide a calculation grid. The only difference between the processes, is the command line parameter that Identifies the node name. Something like:

(Process 1) Java -DNodeNumber=1 CalculationNode

(Process 2) Java -DNodeNumber=2 CalculationNode

(Process 3) Java -DNodeNumber=3 CalculationNode

(Process 4) Java -DNodeNumber=4 CalculationNode

The script that starts up a each process is relatively simple, but not trivial since there are around 15 other parameters that are needed – THEY ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL PROCESSES

I need to be able to restart a process if it fails with the SAME NodeNumber parameter. In other words – if Node 3 fails, I need to restart it as Node 3.

Best Answer

I'd argue that if a process fails, you need to fix it in order to not fail anymore.

To do what you expect, something like this would suffice (untested, use at your own risk):

for i in $(seq 1 4)
    echo "Starting node $i..."
    while ! java -DNodeNumber=$i CalculationNode
      sleep 1
      echo "Restarting node $i..."
  ) &

Each process has to finish with exit code zero in order to break the loop. Otherwise, it is restarted by the script.

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