Linux – Multiple ProxyPass directives for Webmin on Debian Apache Server


I am trying to achieve what is described under:

Webmin In A Sub-Directory Via A Proxy

on this website

Webmin under Apache Guide

…but, with more than one webmin (all on different servers, but proxied thru the main server), arranged into folders, like:


and so on and so forth.

With one webmin, using a file I created called "webmin.conf" under the "/etc/apache2/conf.d" folder, I have the following code:

ProxyPass /webmin1/ http://internalip:10000/
ProxyPassReverse /webmin1/ http://internalip:10000/
ProxyPass /webmin2/ http://internalip2:10000/
ProxyPassReverse /webmin2/ http://internalip2:10000/
<Proxy *>
allow from all

This only works with either one of these enabled, but not both.

Please, I'd like some insights. I am a beginner at proxypass, and directives – only 16 years old, trying to figure this stuff out.

Thanks for any and all help!

Best Answer

Ok I figured it out!

There was a setting in the webmin web server (miniserv) in miniserv.conf that was preventing me from logging in.

There were two port settings and they were set to two different things for some reason. I fixed the setting, and we were back in business!

Thanks for the comments and help anyways, folks.