Linux – MySQL Bad Handshake to MySQL Cluster behind Proxy

connectionlinuxload balancingMySQLmysql-cluster

I have just set up a MySQL cluster using five hyperV linux boxes (2x management nodes, 2 data nodes and 1 proxy) having followed (with a bit of tweaking) the instructions here. Everything works fine superficially, I can connect via the proxy to the data, from a MySQL command line on an Ubuntu box without issue, however when I try and connect to the proxy from windows (8.1) using SQLYog or Workbench I get an error no: 1043 – Bad Handshake. I can however, connect directly to the data nodes via workbench/SQLYog?

Is this a common problem, am i missing something obvious? the various OS/MySQL versions are shown below:

MySQLCluster: 7.4.5

MySQL Proxy: amd64/trusty 0.8.1-1.1build1

Ubuntu: 14.04.1 LTS (all boxes, including test from MySQL client)

Best Answer

It Looks like the aptitude version is several versions behind (A colleague pointed it out), Having downloaded and installed the tar from the MySQL site, all is working happily.

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