Linux – Mysql reports “unknown variable pass” after upgrading from 5.5.41 -> 5.7.5 on Debian


We have the following problem after upgrading MySQL 5.5.41 (pre-installed on our Debian Wheezy LAMP server from Hetzner) to 5.7.5 version (downloaded from

After updgrading from the default Hetzner configuration to 5.7.5 version, we have the following situation: packages installed successfully, mysql deamon is running, but mysql, mysql_upgrade and other tools fail to start.

They report the same error:
mysql: [ERROR] unknown variable 'pass='

Such variable does not exist in my.cnf. Neither I can't find this variable somewhere else.

During upgrade, I've set a new mysql root password (of course).

Question: where this pass variable can be hardcoded, and how can I solve this problem?

Backup was made. No data was created yet. New version is installed via APT repo. Password reset & database init procedures do not help.

Thank you,
Georgy Blagodatov

Best Answer

I had the same problem. I used strace to see what's going on. For me it was in ...


mysql also tried to open ...


... so that's also a candidate.