Linux – NcFTP error : UTIME failed


I'm using NcFTP to upload bunch of directories from a server to another (both linux)
It succeed at creating, downloading, removing files/folders but failed when I need to overwrite them.

Could not preserve times for /path/logo/xxx.png: UTIME failed. server said: utime(/path/logo/xxx.png): Operation not permitted

So ok, remote server doesn't want me to set files timestamp I guess.
Is there a workaround ? I've tried this :

ncftpput -R -o useSITE_UTIME=0 -u user -p mypwd /remote/path/ /local/path/

But it doesn't work. Any idea is welcomed.

Best Answer

I've ran into weird issues with ncftp that I solved by moving to lftp, which is scriptable and has proven a great tool for getting things done when FTP is required.

If you insist on ncftp you should also try -o useSITE_UTIME=1.