Linux – Need to VPN from LAMP webserver using .pcf. Is Cisco’s linux client the only way


First off, I'm a VPN noob. We have a web server (via MediaTemple) that is running Plesk. Our client gave us .pcf files to connect to their VPN, which work locally with my mac Cisco VPN client. Plesk has a VPN module and OpenVPN is installed on our webserver. To anyone's knowledge, can I use either of these in conjunction with the .pcf file they sent us? Or do I need to install the Linux version of Cisco's software on the webserver? Thanks!

Best Answer

vpnc works well for this. I have used this script in the past to convert pcf files to a configuration that works for vpnc.

I wrote a blog post on how to do this if you want some hand holding with the script, this is a bit old though ...