Linux – netstat on unix server shows strange connections


netstat is showing a lot of unknown connections from different strange places. are they just attempt to establish connection? or is my server compromised? I've removed my local addresses from the log below:

      STREAM     CONNECTED     8353   P8352
[root@ns512646 ~]# netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State      
tcp        0      0             s1.securityresearch.3:60000 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0          hn.kd.ny.adsl:17353         ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0           s4.securityresearch.3:60000 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0          s3.securityresearch.3:60000 ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0           hn.kd.ny.adsl:28534         ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0      0          s4.securityresearch.3:60000 ESTABLISHED 

Best Answer

If you type netstat -na it will give you more details, you have server and you are not aware of what is connected to it.

Also, this is very basic request, referring to man netstat would have spared you to fire such request.