Network Port Open but No Process Attached – Troubleshooting


I have a weird situation going on with an open network port. My main question is, why would there not be a program associated with an open TCP port:

netstat -ln --program
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State       PID/Program name   
tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      -  

For my specific case, there is supposed to be an nrpe daemon (opsview install) listening on port 5666, but there is no nrpe daemon running. If I try to start it, it exits immediately.

lsof -i :5666 doesn't show any output either. There is no (x)inetd running on my system.


Yes, I was running those commands as root. Telnet would could, but there was never any response.

After further investigation, I found a kernel error in dmesg: this was an EC2 instance (actually several of them) running an older kernel (2.6.16 is apparently unstable). The fix to stop the crash was to upgrade kernels.

It looks like the way the kernel crashed caused the process to go away and leave the port open.

Best Answer

Ports open by the kernel won't show up with program name. Some NFS and OCFS stuff come to mind. Maybe it's something like that?

Or it could be a kernel bug. Check kernel logs for OOPS and BUG.