Linux – Network stop working after adding bridge interface


I'm using Fedora 25, with kernel 4.11.9, kvm and bridge-utils are installed. I'm following the instructions on, to get public bridge. I also have Docker installed on my machine (which creates its own bridges and virtual interfaces).

When I run ip link add br0 type bridge, everything is ok. But after that, when I run ip link set eth0 master br0 my network stop working. The interface eth0 is the interface I use to access the local network and exit to the internet.

What could be going wrong? How can I troubleshoot this?

Best Answer

When you add your ethernet interface to your bridge, you need to move your ipv4 settings from your eth0 to br0 as well. So, first clear eth0 settings and then give your ipv4/6 addresses/gateway/etc to your br0.

Personally I find it convenient to use NetworkManager's GUI (or TUI) to do this task.