Linux – NFS client keytab: multiple machines


How should one go about setting up client-side keytab files for each client machine to access network services? My working example is NFSv4, which requires each client to have a Kerberos keytab locally on the client machines (as well as the NFS server hosts).

  1. What badness, if any, could result from sharing the same key in a generic keytab file (for NFS purposes) between all client machines requiring access to the NFS host(s)?

  2. If, from the result of #1, we really do need to use a separate key in a different keytab on every client, what is an effective — and, more importantly, secure — way to automate the creation of the keytab for each of several thousand machines? I don't want to have to generate and export a key on every box!

Best Answer

A generic keytab is no use at all - the Kerberos Service Principle is tied to hostname. So a generic keytab simply won't work. You don't necessarily need an NFS specific key - depending which OS version you're using. We can use HOST/full.qualified.hostname to authenticate NFS on RHEL 6+.

So yes, you do need a keytab on each machine. I know that's horrible, but that's the way of things.

Bear in mind that in a Windows domain, you have to do effectively the same thing with your 'domain join' process - one of the major things that does is create a keytab on Windows clients.

We've started down the road of integrated domains - binding our Linux clients to a Windows AD. With that approach, you can use the net command on Linux e.g. net ads join which is I think part of SAMBA. You can embed into it a username and password, and run it via whatever existing automation mechanism you have already. (net ads keytab create also does .... well exactly what it says on the tin. )

If you're not using an AD, then I'm afraid I don't know. I would imagine that something similar exists for generating a keytab.

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