Linux – nginx and php-fpm – Cannot write PHP error log


I am using Nginx and PHP-FPM on Linux. I am not sure whether the issue is that PHP is not writing to the location specified in the PHP.ini, or if it just isn't working at all.

Some of the logs produced by Nginx and PHP-FPM contain the PHP errors, but they are mixed in with other Nginx log output. When I run phpInfo(), value in the error_log is set to a folder in my home directory, but nothing is ever created.

I understand that values in the Nginx conf and PHP-FPM conf can overwrite those set in the PHP.ini, but surely running phpInfo(), would show the final config values?

I would like to be able to have 1 folder, with seperate files for the Nginx access and error log as well as PHP errors.


Best Answer

The error directory is pointing to your home directory, but I believe nginx don't have the access to write to your home directory, unless you are running nginx with your username.

If you want to write to some specific directory, it should have access to write to that directory.

Try to change the location of the error directory and it should work.