NIC Bonding – Using Two Uplinks in Linux


Is bonding the preferred way of implementing ISP redundancy?

In the texts I've seen, bond device has a netmask, gateway of it's own. How can this be obtained if there are two different gateways from two uplinks, which one to choose?

Do I need any special routing rules to go with it or does simply configuring separate interfaces (using Debian, /etc/network/interfaces), i.e eth1, eth2 for their corresponding uplinks and bonding them to bond0 handle routing automatically?

If I want to NAT client machines, do they use bond device's IP as a gateway? Does the bond0 device is the device that goes into iptables nat rules?


Best Answer

Bonding is not applicable for this case.

For your solution: You will find some useful notes at Increasing bandwidth with multiple NICs.

For Bonding: You can start at the Wikipedia Link Aggregation and related Channel bonding pages for initial reading on bonding.

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