Linux – NIS passwd file always empty


I've setup NIS on Centos 5.3 following the fairly sketchy documentation online, it seems to be working pretty well, however whenever I run ypcat passwd, either from the server or the client, no entries are ever returned.

There's definitely some entries in the /etc/passwd file on the server and I've run ypinit, as well as tried running make in /var/yp to rebuild the database.

ypcat hosts works fine, I get the hosts file from the server, I don't get any errors in the log. Both machines are setup to in nsswitch.conf to read from NIS as well as files.

Any ideas why this wouldn't be working?

Best Answer

OK, so this is a bit of a facepalm moment, NIS doesn't show any users with UIDs <500 in it's passwd export, I hadn't added any non-privileged users to the VM I was testing it on. all works fine now :-S