Docker CE – Resolving No Network Connectivity on CentOS 8


I just installed the latest release of docker-ce on CentOS, but I can't reach published ports from a neighboring server and can't reach the outside from the container itself.

Running a plain vanilla CentOS 8 with NetworkManager and FirewallD enabled. Default firewall zone is public.


  • docker-ce 19.03.3 (official Docker RPM)
  • 1.2.6 (official Docker RPM for CentOS 7 – not available for CentOS 8 yet)
  • CentOS 8.0.1905 (minimal install)

Best Answer

After spending a couple of days looking at logs and configurations for the involved components, I was about to throw in the towel and revert back to Fedora 30, where this seems to work straight out of the box.

Focusing on firewalling, I realized that disabling firewalld seemed to do the trick, but I would prefer not to do that. While inspecting network rules with iptables, I realized that the switch to nftables means that iptables is now an abstraction layer that only shows a small part of the nftables rules. That means most - if not all - of the firewalld configuration will be applied outside the scope of iptables.

I was used to be able to find the whole truth in iptables, so this will take some getting used to.

Long story short - for this to work, I had to enable masquerading. It looked like dockerd already did this through iptables, but apparently this needs to be specifically enabled for the firewall zone for iptables masquerading to work:

# Masquerading allows for docker ingress and egress (this is the juicy bit)
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent

# Specifically allow incoming traffic on port 80/443 (nothing new here)
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp

# Reload firewall to apply permanent rules
firewall-cmd --reload

Reboot or restart dockerd, and both ingress and egress should work.