Linux – Not able to wget to ftp server


I am trying to wget a ftp server from a remote machine. The command is not getting past 'Logging in as anonymous'. This is what i am getting.

--2013-09-29 22:07:53--
           => ‘chr1.fa.gz’
Resolving proxy.x.y.z... *.*.*.*
Connecting to proxy.x.y.z|*.*.*.*|:3128... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ...

When i try accessing the site by firefox from the remote machine, it works fine. I have set my ftp proxy like this

export ftp_proxy="ftp://a.user:password@proxy:3128

Can anyone help me fix this problem?


Best Answer

Did you try set proxy env that way? (http:// instead of ftp://)

$ export ftp_proxy=http://a.user:password@proxy.domain:3128

also you can do it other way, please create a file ~/.wgetrc containing below settings:

http_proxy = http://a.user:password@proxy.domain:3128 
ftp_proxy = http://a.user:password@proxy.domain:3128 
proxy_user = username
proxy_password = password 
use_proxy = on