Linux – ntfs-3g Ignore case


I am mounting an ntfs filesystem on a Linux box using the fuse filesystem driver ntfs-3g. I am then doing some operations on the filesystem (git clone to be precise) unmounting and attaching the filesystem to a Windows machine.

Here's the fun part. The git clone creates two directories, images/ and Images/, which because it's Linux git is fine. Then when I attach that partition to the Windows VM and build, one of the tools blows up because it only sees the Images/ directory.

Is there a way I can get ntfs-3g to work in case insensitive-yet-preserving mode, the same way Windows does?

I tried using lowntfs-3g but that makes everything lowercase which also doesn't work for me.

I have tried the mount option windows_names and it doesn't work:

[joxley@host /tmp/ntfs] sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o windows_names 
/dev/loop2p1 mntpoint
[joxley@host /tmp/ntfs] touch mntpoint/foo  
[joxley@host /tmp/ntfs] touch mntpoint/FOO
[joxley@host /tmp/ntfs] ls mntpoint
foo  FOO

I have also looked at ciops but this creates lowercase filenames on the backing filesystem which leaves me in the same place as lowntfs-3g.

Best Answer

lowntfs-3g -o windows_names -o ignore_case $@ /dev/sda3 /DATA/B

try to mount with terminal


/dev/sda3 /DATA/B  lowntfs-3g  ignore_case,windows_names 0 0 

should be for fstab

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