Linux – Page cache usage listed in cgroup’s memory.stat file

cgrouplinuxmemory usage

A cgroup's memory.stat file lists the page cache usage for that cgroup (in cache and total_cache fields). How is the page cache usage derived?

For example, file a.txt is opened by both cgroup A and B. Do A and B both maintain their own cache of a.txt? Or is the cache of a.txt shared between A and B? If it's shared, will memory.stat's page cache usage for both A and B be incremented by the same amount (total amount)?

Also, why doesn't memory.stat include a field for buffer cache or swap cache?

Distro is Linux Mint 18.2.

Best Answer

This is discussed in section 2.3 of

2.3 Shared Page Accounting

Shared pages are accounted on the basis of the first touch approach. The cgroup that first touches a page is accounted for the page. The principle behind this approach is that a cgroup that aggressively uses a shared page will eventually get charged for it (once it is uncharged from the cgroup that brought it in -- this will happen on memory pressure).

As for the other questions...

Since Linux 2.4, the buffer has been added to the cache (see As such, you won't find a separate field for buffer in memory.stat.

For swap to be listed in memory.stat, it's likely that the kernel needs to be compiled with CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED.