Linux – Performance monitoring from guest OS


I was
wondering if there is any tools that can be used inside of a VM and is aware of
working in virtualized environment. It can be little misleading using Linux top
tool without regarding limits of CPU and memory setting. Maybe some interesting data can be gatherer with VMTools assist ?

Best Answer

The only way to get these (and more) performance counters from inside a VMware guest, is by using the VMGuestLib SDK as shipped with the vmware-tools.

I wrote a python wrapper for this library, called python-vmguestlib and a tool vmguest-stats to get access to these counters. And there are now three Dstat plugins to correlate these performance counters with other system resources. It is as simple as:

dstat -c –vm-cpu -m –vm-mem –vm-mem-adv

You can find the python wrapper, the vmguest-stats tool and Dstat at:

Feedback and improvements welcomed !