Linux – Permissions on $HOME/.dmrc file


I am learning Linux and recently encountered an error upon reboot saying "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.." The message went on to say this was preventing the default session from being saved and that the file needed to have 644 permissions. I started some reading on permissions and config files and reinstalled Linux fresh on my VM. I also read various forums that advised users facing similar problems to chmod permissions for this file to 644. However, in the fresh install I see that the default permission for home/.dmrc is 600 (-rw——-). Why is this the case? If it needs to be 644, why would it be set to this on the default install.

Best Answer

0644 is world readable. Which means that any other user could potentially read your settings.

0600 is only readable by your user. There's no valid reason why a programm run by your user needs privileges more open than 0600 to function correctly.

Are you sure you aren't mixing the permissions up and it actually complains about being 644 rather than 600?