Docker Iptables – Persistent Iptables Rules with Docker Using If-Pre-Up.D


Additional Context (may be skipped)

I'm trying to set up psad on my system, which requires to add a rule to the iptables iptables -A INPUT -j LOG. Of course, this rule will get flushed upon reboot, so i looked into ways of making it persistent (of which there are many).

While the iptables-persistent package seems to be the most convenient solution, I cannot use it, as it clashes with the docker daemon running on the system, as iptables-persistent just runs iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4 without the -n flag, which may destroy any changes to iptables from the docker-daemon.

Actual Question

So I didn't want to disable the automatic iptable rules from the docker daemon entirely, as it just creates a huge maintenance hassle, so I just added a script

iptables-restore -n < /etc/network/iptables.rules

to /etc/network/if-pre-up.d with chmod +x and saved the configuration without the docker rules with iptables-save > /etc/network/iptables.rules.

The file iptables.rules then just says


But when I reboot the system, i see the rule -A INPUT -j LOG three times. My current guess is that this may be because /etc/network/firewall gets executed multiple times (because there are multiple interfaces??).

How do I resolve this issue? Note that rc.local is deprecated and not meant for this purpose as it is not run when the iptables service is restarted.

Best Answer

In the end I just created a systemd service that runs the script once and removed it from if-pre-up.d

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