Linux – persistent SSH connection while connecting to VPN


I have a Linux machine on the intranet which I can only access via SSH, this machine needs to connect to a VPN using openconnect however when I do that I get disconnected from the SSH since the intranet's IP is no longer valid.

I can reconnect to it from within the VPN using the IP it got assigned but that IP changes everytime the VPN is connected, I don't have control over any othe networks only this machine.

is there a way to keep the SSH connection alive while connecting to the VPN? thanks.

openconnect requires a –script argument which takes a script to configure routing, without it the connection succeeds but no names are resolved and the intranet's IP remains valid.

I'm currently using Ubuntu's default /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script (pasted here) I'm good with shell scripting but I know very little about networking, if I have to modify that I'll need some reference about what or how to change it.

Best Answer

is there a way to keep the SSH connection alive while connecting to the VPN?

No. That system's routing changes dramatically when you connect to the VPN, which breaks all established TCP sockets.

You should look into using a terminal multiplexer like screen or tmux in your ssh session - that way you can have a persistent shell that you can re-connect to.