PHP Fatal Error – Call to Undefined Function mysql_pconnect()


I have updated my php version from php 5.0 to 5.3 and it started showing me this error

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in

I need your help guyz please suggest me what to do.

I have also uncomment in my php ini file in


I am using Linux

Best Answer


I would recommend you use mysqli ( ) which is an improved version of mysql

Quick Fix

Full Details of all possible reason available at

Let me know if you need more assitance

Last Resort

Re install PHP53

Remove the 5.1.x PHP Packages:

 yum remove php php-*

Remove the 5.3.x PHP Packages:

 yum remove php php53-*

Install PHP5.3

yum install php53-cli
yum install php53-common
yum install php53-devel (If you need development support)
yum install php53-gd
yum install php53-mbstring
yum install php53-mysql
yum install php53-soap
yum install php53-xml
yum install php53-xmlrpc
yum install php53-bcmath
yum install php53-snmp

Restart Apache

Service httpd restart 

yum search

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