Linux – Port inside linked docker container is not accessible to the other container


Following Docker's documentation on linking containers, I am trying to make two containers: salt-master and salt-minion, with salt-minion having a link to salt-master.
Also, I am using the Dockerfile EXPOSE instruction to expose ports on the salt master.
As far as I understand, I should reach the exposed ports of salt-master from the salt-minion container.

My Dockerfile for salt-master is:

FROM fedora
EXPOSE 4505 4506
ADD master /etc/salt/master
CMD /usr/bin/salt-master -l debug

I run the salt-master container with:

docker run -it --name salt-master myuser/fedora-salt-master /bin/bash

I run the salt-minion container with:

docker run -it --name salt-minion --link salt-master:salt-master  myuser/fedora-salt-minion /bin/bash

Then from inside the salt-minion container I run and I get:

telnet salt-master 4506
telnet: connect to address No route to host

If I look inside the salt-master, the port seem open. However, they are not accessible to salt-minion.

If I look with tcpdump I get:

11:26:12.188884 IP > ICMP host
   unreachable - admin prohibited, length 68

where: is salt-minion, the host where I am trying the ports from is the salt-master, the host that expose the ports is the docker0 virtual interface

Does anyone have a clue?

Best Answer

The host is a fedora 22 and it seems the firewall on host was preventing the containers to reach each other. I had Fedora's firewalld running, and that let containers ping each other but not reach their ports. I disabled firewalld, used only iptables instead, and with iptables containers could not even ping each other. If this is the fault of Docker added rules or the existing firewall rules, I haven't investigated yet. But stopping both firewalld and iptables on host made it work.